Call for Nominations
Submission Deadline: Midnight on Friday, March 15, 2024

PURPOSE: MATRC is on the hunt for stories that ignite inspiration and exemplify the transformative power of telehealth. We’re seeking nominations that weave tales of innovation, resilience, and above all, impact. Do you have a telehealth program or project that has defied the odds, dismantled barriers, and championed accessibility to top-tier care? Share with us your narrative of triumph, where unmet needs were met head-on, and health outcomes soared to new heights. Whether through the magic of live interactive videoconferencing, the seamless exchange of data via store-and-forward methods, or the vigilant monitoring of patients from afar, we want to hear about the game-changers—the stories where telehealth isn’t just a tool, but a lifeline. Let’s celebrate the pioneers who harness the potential of mobile health apps, games, and wearables to shape a future where quality care knows no bounds. Join us in showcasing the stories that redefine possibility and pave the way for a healthier, happier tomorrow.
ELIGIBILITY: We’re seeking compelling narratives of telehealth programs or projects that have reshaped healthcare landscapes in our service area: DC, DE, KY, MD, NC, NJ, PA, WV, and VA.
PRIZE: Two awards will be given, one in each of two categories, as selected by a panel of judges. Each of the two winners will be awarded a $1,000 cash prize and free registration to the 2025 MATRC Telehealth Summit. Winners will also have the option to generously redirect their cash prize towards a nonprofit organization of their choosing. 2024 award winners will be announced and honored at the Taste of Kalahari Networking and Awards Dinner on Monday, April 15, 2024.
The two categories of awards include:
Category 1: Small, Rural and/or Safety Net Providers/Organizations
To be eligible to be nominated under this category, the nominated program or project must meet at least ONE of the following criteria:
- The program or project serves a rural OR underserved area based on either program eligibility, common rural definitions OR shortage designations criteria. To determine eligibility, plug the address into the Am I Rural Tool (https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/am-i-rural). The program/project if after running the report the service area is considered eligible for FORHP – Grant Programs or is considered a Shortage Designation (either a HPSA or MUA/MUP)
- The program or project is administered by a small practice or organization (under 50 regular full-time employees).
- The program or project is administered by an organization that is considered a health care safety net organization (e.g., public health/mental health, Federally Qualified Health Clinic, free/charitable care clinic, private nonprofit clinic). Organizations are considered part of the health care safety net if: (1) either by legal mandate or explicitly adopted mission they maintain an “open door,” offering access to services for patients regardless of their ability to pay; and (2) a substantial share of their patient mix is uninsured, Medicaid, and other vulnerable patients.
Category 2: All Other Providers/Organizations
REQUIREMENTS: All nominations must be submitted online on/before the stated due date. By submitting a nomination for this award, you are granting MATRC and its assignees permission to use and disseminate the content of the nominations for the purpose of education, promotion of the value of telehealth and/or promotion of MATRC sponsored activities and events.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Nominations should not exceed 3 pages in length single spaced, with 1 inch margins and using 12 point font. All nominations must include the following information:
- Submitters Name, Title, Phone Number and Email Address
- Name of Program/Project
- Award Category: (Category 1 or Category 2)
- Name, Title, Phone Number and Email of Program/Project Manager/Coordinator (if different than Submitter)
- Name and Address of Program/Project Organization (if applicable)
- Brief Overview of the Program/Project (a description of the purpose of the project and the key components of the project – if the project had explicit goals and objectives, include those here as well)
- What Barriers Did This Project Try to Address? (a description of the targeted area or population and the nature and extent of the problem(s)/barrier(s) or unmet need(s) that the project was designed to address)
- Why Do You Feel This Was a Barrier Breaking Program/Project? (a description of the outcomes and impact achieved by the project)
- Optional supporting documents: As evidence of impact of the program/project, nominees may upload:
- Letters of support and/or brief testimonials from those who have been impacted by the program/project
- Outcomes data from efforts to asses or evaluate the project
- Newspaper articles or other materials that discuss the project
- Promotional materials about the program/project
- Optional supporting documents: As evidence of impact of the program/project, nominees may upload:
- Were There Any Elements of this Program/Project that You Felt Were Innovative? (a description of any elements of this project that you could consider new or previously untried – innovation may take many forms, including new methods for reaching underserved populations, previously untried methods, processes, strategies or technologies, or simply a different way to drive adoption of telehealth by providers and/or patients)
To support MATRCs mission for providing education and technical assistance to others, the following are some informational elements, that if available, would be great to include in the nomination:
- What Were the Most Important Lessons Learned through this Program/Project? (recommendations for success should someone want to replicate this project)
- What Costs Were Involved in this Program/Project and How Feasible Would It Be to Replicate the Project in Another Setting or for Another Population?
- 25% Need: Is there evidence that this program/project was designed to use telehealth as a way to break down barriers to accessing quality care and/or addressing an unmet need?
- 50% Impact: Is there evidence that the program/project has succeeded in breaking down barriers to accessing quality care and/or addressing an unmet need and has led to improvements in health and/or quality of life for the targeted population?
- 15% Replicability: Can this program/project be successfully replicated in other areas or populations?
- 10% Originality: Is this a new idea or previously untried concept?
Nomination Form and all supporting documentation must include the name of nominee in the document and/or in the file name.
QUESTIONS? Contact Kathy Wibberly at Kathy.Wibberly@virginia.edu